Tennis is fun – that’s why all ages play it!
This post contains the the necessary information needed to decide whether to enter the monthly GNT red ball match days. It also motivates why your child will have an enjoyable fun tennis day.
Tennis is FUN
We invite all interested parents to bring their children to their first:
“From off-court coordination development to fun small court play”
We test their coordination and ball skills to determine if your child needs more coordination development or if they are still ready to participate in small court play. Kids love to play and show off their skills.
- All they need to start are “tackies” (running or tennis or informal)
- We provide racquets for all ages
- Smaller courts,, light racquets, lower nets and the slower special red balls make it easy to start playing.
When, What, Where and How
- Every first Saturday of each month an experienced”play and stay coach”will supervise a red ball small court play at Lynnwood Glen
- Parents and players must report at 08:00 am when the children will undergo a coordination test to determine their skill level.
- We start with a 15-minute talk on how to foster the love of tennis through tennis etiquette based on a scriptural principle (attendance is not compulsory).
- At the same time a coordination trainer will run a separate program for children who struggle to keep the ball in play.
- Parents must please fetch their children at 10:30 am after the prize giving where each child will receive a merit medal based on their exhibited strength.
If you are interested email: 0662297632
- Directions to Lynnwood Glen Tennis courts.
- Entry form to be completed and returned to Good News Tennis
- Bank details to pay R150. (racquet hire included) by EFT. Cash price R200.00
- Links to pages on for further information and frequently asked questions.
- A coach close to the child’s home can be recommended.